A large milk chocolate Easter Egg from Monty Bojangles with six chocolate truffles in tube case. A creamy milk chocolate Easter egg paired with delectable Flutter Scotch truffles, cocoa dusted truffles infused with buttery butterscotch chips and a cheeky hint of sea salt is certain to delight! The foil wrapped chocolate egg hides inside a the very decorative box, alongside the individually wrapped chocolate truffles.
One of four Easter eggs from Monty Bojangles. The other chocolate eggs in the range, are the Monty Bojangles Choccy Scoffy Easter Egg & Truffles, the Monty Bojangles Taste Adventures Easter Egg & Truffles and the Monty Bojangles Pretzel Parade Easter Egg & Truffles.
One of four Easter eggs from Monty Bojangles. The other chocolate eggs in the range, are the Monty Bojangles Choccy Scoffy Easter Egg & Truffles, the Monty Bojangles Taste Adventures Easter Egg & Truffles and the Monty Bojangles Pretzel Parade Easter Egg & Truffles.
Monty Bojangles Flutter Scotch Easter Egg:
A milk chocolate Easter egg with Flutter Scotch chocolate truffles from the Monty Bojangles collection.